From the electrifying opening performance to the moment the show comes to a close, the all-new Ringling is full of unforgettable moments featuring thrilling acts from some of the greatest circus performers in the world. Here is our list of 5 fan-favorite, can’t-stop-watching, can’t-miss moments from The Greatest Show On Earth.

The Navas Troupe and their Double Wheel of Destiny Captivates Audiences   

In an extraordinary moment, the catchy “This is our Song” musical moment abruptly ends, and the spotlight immediately turns to four daredevils known as the Navas Troupe as they swing and leap onto the Double Wheel of Destiny. And so begins what can only be described as an adrenaline-inducing performance that has the acrobats soaring 3 stories above the ground. The troupe performs rarelyseen stunts that include them leaping back and forth between two simultaneously spinning apparatuses, all while moving at incredibly high speeds.  


The Lopez Family take the High Wire to All New Heights  

Jaws literally drop when three, half-inch thick High Wires connected in an all-new triangular formation 25-feet above the arena floor descend from the ceiling in a high-energy, never-before-seen, never-before-attempted take on the classic High Wire that you have to see to believe. Audiences are on the edge of their seats watching the Lopez Family, sixth-generation circus artists, attempt daring tricks and leaps from one wire to another, jumping over their partner’s shoulders, riding bikes on the razor-thin wire with performers on top in a handstand, and more incredible human feats. 


The Flying Caceres Set a New Standard for Trapeze   

For the first time in Ringling history, a thrilling display on Criss-Cross Flying Trapeze featuring the legendary Flying Caceres Troupe captivates audiences with two trapeze acts in one, all on an epic swing-set inspired play space set 40 feet above the ground. Nine of the greatest trapeze artists in the world take to the sky, soaring front-to-back, side-to-side, and diagonally with flyers and catchers in an action-packed, near-miss style act of timing and precision where seconds and inches determine the outcome of each high-flying skill. 


Wesley Attempts to Ride the Tallest Unicycle in the World 

With chants of “Wes-ley! Wes-ley! Wes-ley from the audience, extreme unicyclist Wesley Williams, aka “The One Wheel Wonder” begins his epic quest across the arena floor, attempting to break the World Record for the tallest rideable unicycle in the world a pulse-racingly-high 34 feet (and counting!). World Record holder for the tallest rideable unicycle in the world, Wesley Williams has been a hit in practically every type of venue around the world since he started his career at age 6 


Sklyer Soars through the Arena as Ringling’s Human Rocket  

The Greatest Show On Earth has one more epic, heart-stopping moment up its sleeve when it welcomes human cannonball royalty and second-generation circus performer Skyler Miser to the show floor. As the countdown begins and pulses start to increase, Sklyer loads into the rocket. Then…BLAST OFFSkyler soars through the sky as the Ringling Rocket, launching to an incredible, inconceivable distance at 65 mph.